Our Courses

To enroll in any of our courses, kindly send us an email (luxindancers@gmail.com). 

Indian Freestyle/Bollywood at University of Luxembourg

Instructor: Puneeth | Richa| Margarita | Srujana

Level: Foundation (Only for university students)

Indian Freestyle/Bollywood in Luxembourg City

In collaboration with Dance Factory, Luxembourg.

Instructor: Puneeth | Richa| Margarita | Srujana

Level: Foundation (To join: contact  +352 2899 8250 | info@dancefactory.lu|  https://dancefactory.lu/ )

Bhangra (Annual workshop) 

Next workshop: January 2024

Instructor: Shilauni

Level: Foundation

Fill the below form for registration:


Dappankuthu (Private classes)

Instructor: Puneeth

Level: Foundation

Garba Party (Annual workshop)

Date: October 28th, 2023.

Instructor: Richa Maheshwari

Level: Foundation

Fill the below form for registration:


Bharatanatyam (Private classes)

Instructor: Richa Maheshwari

Level: Foundation

Kuchipudi (Private classes)

Instructor: Srujana Patel

Level: Foundation
